Chloro Sulphonic Acid

Chloro Sulphonic Acid

Chemical Formula: HSO3C1

Physical data:

Appearance: Colourless to light yellow liquid
Melting point: -800C
Boiling point: 1520C
Vapour density: 4 (air = 1)
Vapour pressure: 1 mm Hg at 200C
Density (g cm-3): 1.75
Water solubility: Decomposes


Description: Clear to light yellow liquid
Purity as CISO2OH, percent by mass: 98.0% (min)
Sulphuric acid (H2SO4) and free: 1.0% (max)
SO3, if any (as SO3): 0.5% (max)
Free hydrochloric acid as HCI: 0.5%(max)
Iron as Fe.: 0.01 (max)
Molecular Weight: 116.418

Applications :

  • For manufacturing of synthetic detergents and drugs.
  •  Sulphonating agent for dyes & dye intermediates and pesticides.
  •  In the manufacturing of iron exchange resins.
  •  Manufacturing of anhydrous HCl and smoke producing chemicals

Dangers and Precautions for Handling Product:

  •  Toxic by ingestion
  •  Causes severe damage to eyes, skin & air passage
  • Reaction with moist air produces mist, which has severe irritant effect on eyes, skin & air passage
  •  Store the material in stainless steel or HM HDPE containers. Avoid contact with moisture
  •  Fire risk in contact with organic substances


ISO tanks / tanker load.